Sunday, July 3, 2011


jonathan adler "muse" candle, hard candy nail polish, q-pot ring, american apparel bikini, fuji instax, interview may 11 issue, and photo from viceroy palm springs.

i love finding photos online of peoples things collaged together. i'm going to start doing more of these. this first one is a few of my favorite things. the jonathan adler candle is my favorite, i get one every year for my birthday. this bottle of hard candy nail polish is very old, but very special to me. i got if for my aunt who passed away a few years ago, i found it in her things and had to keep it. now i think hard candy is only sold at walmart =(. q-pot is my favorite japanese brand. every time i go to japan i have to go to their shop, their jewelry is unlike anything out there. this american apparel bikini OR undie set is so cute, love it! fuji cam... so fun! and last this interview mag, this shoot with michelle williams is my favorite in a long time.

more of these coming soon....

1 comment:

Katie said...

Such a good collection. Love this photo!